Damian H.
Did absolutely Nothing for our dogs , its just an expensive Torch. Very Disappointed
Theresa L.
I have two adopted dogs that I wasn't expecting to have in my life, but now won't ever give them up. I put their picture here just because I adore them and love taking pictures of them. Ok to the point I bought this device to train one of them not to bark continuously at any little noise. This device not only trained her not to bark at nonsense, but also to return on command. I have rarely had to use it and almost don't even need it anymore....it's worked that well with training. With everything I just said to recommend the device I do need to bring up my other dog now...(the American Pittull on the left). Sadly she can't hear this device at all and has no reaction to it whatsoever. So we tried 3rd mode with flash light and it worked. I think she is a young dog who unfortunately is going deaf. She is a happy dog though who will live a good life and be loved regardless.... because she is awesome.
Anyway, the device is great quality, and so worth it. Buy it. I'm glad I did....
Nicole B.
It works really well. I have 5 toy poodles. They go crazy when they hear the ring pick up motion. They go even crazier when someone walks in the door. They all want to be petted first. I hold this up and often just a visual will calm them. Sometimes they are super excited and I have to press the smallest and even the second button. By the time I've hit the middle button they have all settled down except sometimes Foxy. Foxy will keep backing away further and further and till I have to pinpoint her with the top button and or reach out and grab her she's very resistant but using just this tool alone top button does calm her down it just takes a little more. It's unfair to the other dogs though.. I bought a bark collar that doors not shock but instead sprays citronella on her chest which she hate. Using that on her alone isn't enough. But that plus this calms all dogs down before the third button is ever pressed. My suggestion, if you have a result resistant dog that this deters, but doesn't always stop, try it in combination with other anti bark methods. It makes a huge difference.
Leanne T.
Barker, hyper, loud … that’s Luci. She knows the word “enough” means stop undesirable behavior, however clicker didn’t work, tried so many things. Read up about product and made the purchase. Only had to use a few times, she got the point, like a child you MUST BE PERSISTENT, you can’t sit on your butt and just say no and press a button. Everyone has to be on board and agree on go to word and stick to it.
Friends and family wouldn’t even come over because she would jump all over them and bark nonstop, after using for a week and everyone being persistent we were delighted when family came over and there was no barking no jumping just walking up and asking for a pet! I definitely Suggest you use this.
Fiona C.
I really like your bark deterrent device it’s definitely a game changer
I recently moved in an apartment so that bought on a change for my Mezzie he wasn’t use of change he is 3 yrs old being his age plus we have been living in the same place since he was 6 weeks old it was challenging for him and myself with all new noises he would bark at everything and everybody all throughout the day and night
I bought the collar device I didn’t like that due to me hitting the wrong buttons I would shock my baby I didn’t like that it wasn't a good ideal so I decided to click on the pets friendly supplier ad and that’s when I decided to buy this device (Game Changers)
I can tell you at this point all I have to do is show him the device his ears go back and he just sit or lay down
I have been suggesting your device to everyone I see that’s having an issue with their fur babies
Belinda W.
Nothing has made me this happy! I have four rescue toy poodles. No comments, please. I'm a sucker. I was fine with 3, even though one was very reactive to other dogs while we were walking. I could just pick her up, and problem solved. Then along came #4, and I could no longer solve the problem. It was extremely frustrating and ruining my walks, not to mention embarrassing. I got the bark free sonic boom pro two days ago and the instant I activate it, all four stop barking and turn around and look at me. So, it's not only for one on one training! I particularly like the fact that I can recharge it with USB instead of batteries.
Joe & Chris .
Our four dogs have been beyond difficult for the last two years with barking. Our neighbor's have two dogs and our dogs believe they are trying to kill us. They bark and attack the fence every time they come outside. We really did not think this would work. The shock on our faces was priceless. The moment our dogs started barking we pushed the button and it was instant results. Our most aggressive dog, Pudge is terrified of the noise. He barks once and then looks for us before walking off. It has trained him in a matter of days. Our most stubborn dog, Bagel is a Beagle. So he will take longer. So far we are pleased with our purchase. Definitely recommend.
Amada D.
I bought this because my 1 year old Sheltie started barking non stop at other dogs when on walks. The behavior started shortly after my older Sheltie passed due to cancer. Verbal commands he was trained to do didn’t not stop his barking. After a few weeks I was at my wits end, I didn’t want a shock collar and saw this devise and hoped it would work. After maybe two walks using the devise when I issue verbal command he will stop the access barking. I only had to use second setting. Third setting I hit accidentally and it caused my dog to jump. I also like that it can be charged instead of having to change batteries. It’s the size of small flash light you can wear it on your wrist or put it in your pocket. Has a on off switch to save your charge.
Colorado G.
I have a new dog and he’s getting to know the yard and the neighbors so he barked at everything. I started by saying his name and then “Quiet” in a normal voice, then push the button when he kept barking. That was about 2 weeks ago. Now he barks less in general and when I say his name and “Quiet” he responds really well! It’s a little magical.
He’s not perfect. When he hasn’t had enough exercise he’s prone to more barking and when he sees his best friend, then he’s excited. But this has helped immensely.
Also, I am very consistent. Like almost 99% of the time when he barked, I did the steps.
Sylk R.
This device ia AMAZING!!! My daughter has a spoiled chihuahua that barks and howls for EVERYTHING! I mean ear piercing. I told her I was going to get a shock collar... muzzle or something because she needs to train her. Instead I bought this. I looked at reviews and everything. I was skeptical but said what the heck let's give it a try and WHOA!!! I'm so glad I did. It worked immediately! I start at the beep and go up as needed but I barely ever get to the last setting. She listens. She doesn't do all that barking and howling every time someone leaves or first thing in the morning to let you know "The princess is awake!" We've been able to train her. She comes when you calls her and sits and wait. Its durable and well contructed. It has a wrist strap to keep it at hand. Its the concept of a clicker but with a corrective aspect. So beep to do the commands and the silence dog sound when she's not listening and she immediately gets back in line. Then we beep and give her a treat. Its wonderful and best of all it takes little to no effort on your part. Oh and I like the fact its bright orange not as easy to lose! LOL
Gordon E.
My rescued Lab Mix has THE LOUDEST bark I’ve ever heard in my life! She barks when she’s happy, she barks when she’s in protect mode, she barks at the mailbox, she barks when she’s sleepy, she barks when she wants her tummy rubbed. She gets distracted and doesn’t focus on doing her business outside because she barks at the wind, birds, cars, the grass, and barks to get the entire neighborhood’s dogs riled up to have a bark fest, and ends up coming in the house and doing her business there.
My ear drums just couldn’t take it anymore! I’m so glad I got the facebook ad with some misc “stop your dog from barking” that's when I got to this Pets friendly supplier site, I sifted through reviews and tried this one out, and I’m so glad!!!
At first she ignored the “deterrent mode” (which gives a tone that is audible to humans), so I tried the “sonic training mode” (which the dogs can hear but humans cannot) and it snaps her out of her barking fit immediately. She and our bigger dog play fight too loudly and aggressively. A push of the button stops them in their tracks. I’ve been using it for 7 days now, and she is actually barking less, and they are playing less aggressively too. She still gets distracted outside, but the tone snaps her back into focus and she does her duty.
For the most part, both dogs respond to the “deterrent mode”, but when they do not, they respond to the “sonic training mode” tone. They even notice me picking it up and will stop misbehaving.
I’m so glad I found this! Our home is more quiet and peaceful.
Monica M.
Occasionally I bring my daughter’s little chihuahuas over to my house for a playdate away from her 2 bigger doodles. Neither Panda nor Pixie tolerate any noise from homes surrounding my back yard (kids, other dogs, gardeners) & start barking. I simply pick Pix up & she stops. Panda runs away from me and continues to bark. It was to the point where I almost didn’t want to bring them over any more as I had to go out every 5-15” to tell Panda to stop barking. I’ve had them over once since receiving the trainer and experienced what some other reviewers noted. I stepped out and ‘no barking’ and then pushed the first button. Panda did stop barking and amazingly walked back into the house. He never voluntarily leaves the back yard. I had to go out and use it several more times with similar results. The only time he continued barking he was clearly much further than 25’ away. I moved closer and he was barking so loud I used the middle button. I was carrying pixie (only 5 lbs) & kept a close eye on her and it didn’t seem to bother her, and Panda did stop barking and followed me into the house.so far, so good. I gave it to my daughter to see if any success with Bernedoodles and it worked!
Sharon M.
Long review only because I would have liked this information from other reviews. This easy to use behavior aid worked in 2 days. I live in a condominium with a 6 foot
wooden fence surrounding my patio. My sweet shih tzu goes nuts when anyone walks by. She's stubborn and would not stop barking when told. I began with the buzzing noise. It got her attention but she then resumed barking. After a few tries I hit the sonic button twice. She stopped cold, flew through the doggy door and ran upstairs to her crate. Doesn't like the sonic sound! Next day I only needed to push the buzzer twice while giving her the "come" command and she ran in and went to her bed beside my chair. It's been 3 weeks and I have only needed the buzzer twice and the sonic once. For me this is a winner.
Matthew J.
This product worked beyond my expectations.
Our neighbor’s dogs (Jack Russel and Poodle) are both loud and aggressive towards my whole family and our dog. Their constant barking and charging the dividing fence scared our dog into not going outside without a fight from us and my daughter stopped playing in the back yard because it was just so loud and annoying all the time.
The first time I used this device (one quick push of the button on the medium setting) both dogs stopped barking immediately and went back inside.
After two more incidents that day of using only the training beep both dogs stopped barking altogether when any of us are outside.
By day 3 I didn’t even need to have it with me to hold up for the dogs to see, they are very well behaved now when we’re outside.
This product was well worth the money, I wish I’d purchased it years ago. We can use our back yard again without constant disruption and I don’t feel like I didn’t feel like I was causing any harm to the neighbor’s dogs while using the device.
Debby L.
Tucker is a 17 month old labrador. Very smart and listens well must of the time. The one thing he was having trouble with was barking. We live on a farm and barking at the cows was getting out of hand. Once he started he wouldn't stop. I had run out of training tricks to get him to understand quiet means to stop barking.
Then my daughter bought this device and used it while visiting. The next day I ordered one.
This small tool and learning how to use it was a game changer. All I have to do now is say quiet and the behavior stops. The tool is no longer used. Just one word QUIET.
You might ask how many times have I used it. About six times. ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGER!
He still barks like crazy when the cows come down but now I can get him to disengage with Quiet.
Watch the video, use the tool as intended and you will see results.
Sincerely Thank you!
Signed Tuckers Mom
Karen A.
Holy cow! It's a miracle!
We just added a new rescue dog, Lucy, to our family and immediately had a problem with her chasing one of the cats. I was afraid if she ever caught her the cat would fight back and it could be a disaster. So we purchased this item, but without much hope. The very first night there was a difference. Now the dog is avoiding the cat completely.
I do have to say, be very careful with this. I overused it the first night and once when I hit the untrasonic button it actually knocked Lucy off her feet. She was running after the cat, I was running after her and I held the button down. She stumbled and fell over. I was so upset! Then the rest of the night she avoided me. Since the first night we have not had to use the ultrasonic button. Just a quick tap on the sound button brings her in line. Now if Lucy doesn’t want to go into her crate at night I just pick up the device (it doesn’t even need to be on) and she scoots into the crate.
A funny little side effect of this - now when we pick up the TV remote (about the same size as this device) or our cellphones, Lucy leaves the room.
We have used this a week now and only need a quick tap on the button to gain complete control. Our household has settled down considerably. We have also recommended this to a friend whose renters were going to move out because of a barking dog next door. I’m sure it will help them keep the renter in the home.
Like I said in the title of this review, it seems like a miracle. We never would have guessed how effective this is. I highly recommend this for easy and quick dog training.
Kyle D.
I have used many different training tools and this one by far is the most effective. It is well crafted and don't seem like a cheap toy that will break after a few uses or bumps. Luckily, there is a wrist strap to keep it from dropping and it fits in your pocket.
My dog quickly began to recognize that the beep means I am giving a command. He was already trained but is extremely social with other people and dogs which leads to getting distracted often when I want him to sit or stay.
I have not had a need for the ultrasonic button or ultrasonic sound and light as of this review but when I tested just the ultrasonic button to see if I could hear it, I heard a click which I expected. The dog 15-20 feet across the street however immediately perked up and looked towards me. This is good to know since there is an aggressive dog that people in the neighborhood are terrified by. If it works to deter him, I may need to share this with them so they are more at ease.
Orange color is perfect and fits nicely in my hand. Not waterproof so be mindful using it in rain. Very happy to have found this.
Marian C.
This device worked on our dog in less than one day! We used it on our Cavipoo who was barking at tv and anything that he saw out side, even leaves blowing around. The sound mode had no effect on him but once we hit the ultrasonic training mode and gave the command quite he stopped. After 4 times of using it we did not have to hit the button anymore. For the rest of the day we just pointed it and gave the command quite. Some times he has a very hushed bark but we are fine with that. We totally recommend the use of this product. I never expected it to work that fast. We live in a condo so I am sure my neighbors are extremely happy. Thanks for a great product.
Cortni S.
This small device has been a godsend. I've tried other deviced before that haven't worked well. It charges quickly, holds a long charge, and works consistently throughout the charge.
I have a small 11 year old pomapoo and he likes to bark. He gets separation anxiety when I'm not home and this has almost totally corrected his behavior in about 2 weeks. There are 3 settings. We stick to the middle one. Now all I have to do it point it at him and he stops. We are using the command quiet and he almost has it down without the "threat" of the bark button. I love that this is safe for him for him as well.
We received the item quickly and with great instructions. I also like the fact that they stand by their product and offer a full refund if it doesn't work for your pet. I am very happy with my purchase and would definitely recommend and purchase this item again.
Dianna F.
Get it's so worth it. We have 4 labradors and 2 jump on guest as soon as they walk in the door. My daughter is pregnant and I WAS so worried about them knocking her over. Not no more took 1 day. As soon as I beeped it and they heard it, they immediately got down. Then the second day I did t even need to beep it just showed them as soon as someone came to door. (My poor neighbor 15 times) now we're working on staying off the davenport. I was down by mailbox and soon as I got to door they all 4 sat and lete go by and I praised them a lit and gave a cookie to them for not jumping. You won't regret getting it. So worth it. Tried at night the first night about 200 ft away. It worked.
Maggie D.
We bought this product for our newly adopted rescue pup. She’s 4-5 years old & wonderful but loves to bark at our neighbors fence even when no one is there. We can’t seem to determine the draw she has to their fence & what causes her barking. We purchased this product to find a safe way to get her attention & correct her bad behavior. So far the beep works some of the time but the sonic sound she absolutely hears b/c we see her ears go back & she stops barking. We’ve only owned about 2 weeks so training is on going but glad to have something when she can’t control herself to bark. She’s a little chiweenie so her bark isn’t too loud but we want to keep peace with our neighbors even though they say it doesn’t bother them it bothers us.
Myra J.
The neighbor doesn't give a care (I have stronger words for that). She leaves for work and the dogs bark all day long. They bark all evening long and she never tries to correct them.
The first time I tried the remote - instantly they both stopped barking and walked off toward their house. The next day - lololol -they would not look at me let alone bark. I know there was no pain involved as neither yelped or cried.
Obviously, this is the best training I tool that I have ever used.
I will be house sitting this week and am anxious to see the result as the "Dog Rodeo" at the fence line is quite annoying. I will update this post next week when I get home.
LOL - there is a down side - LOL. I spent nearly $80 for the trainer and only used it ONCE, coz this device is that good. I am such a happy shopper!